Saturday 17 January 2015

New Year , New Me !

 I promise myself as soon as new year arrives , that this year I will change - starting from new hairstyle to eating healthy food and getting fit. But lets be honest here, I finish on this promises and there is no change whatsoever as the year goes by. I set my goals for 2015, but so far I didn't do nothing about it. So i decided to share my new years resolutions with you guys ,even tho we have already a middle of January. I hope that you will help me to stay motivated so please share with me your New Years resolutions and advices how you staying motivated.!!!! ????? !!!!
My New Year Resolutions :
 * GET FIT -as a full time mum i spend a lots of time at home. I used to work as a full time sales assistant in busy shop, where I did a lots of fiscals work which kept me fit. Now even tho my weight is not bad (65 kg ) , still I can't fit in to my old clothes. So i decided that now is a wright time to start working out at home. I already got some DVDs with exercise routines. Lets do this !!!!!
*START COOKING HEALTHY FOOD ON THE BUDGET (I'm spending way too much money on food and I tend to waste lots of it )


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