Saturday 6 December 2014

Lazy Saturday !

 Today's day i spend at home in my cosy pj's with a Moomins print ( my favourite childhood cartoon :) and I put on new pair of wool socks from H&M which i bought recently. Perfect outfit :) I can tell you one fact about me - I just love good pair of cosy socks !!! . Anyway I planned last night that i will do some of main Christmas shopping but i change my mind . Do you wanna know why ?? I totally forgot that today it's Saturday and shopping mall will be filled with people looking for a gifts for upcoming Xmas. Instead of going then i spend most of the day playing with my baby girl and shopping online !! Fastest way too shop without crowds and queue. I mentioned in my previous post that it's hard to shop for you're friends it's even harder to shop for your husband . If any of you are married you will know what I'm talking about.  Every year history is repeating it self , i will ask him what do you wanna get  for Christmas and answer is always the same - Don't get me anything darling ! hmmm i think he don't even know what he wants :) Does any of you u have the same problem ?!!!!???
  What gifts you are getting for your husbands , partners , boyfriends ?? Maybe it will help me choose something for my men :)

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