Friday 12 December 2014

Christmas Cards !

   When I was little every year at Christmas time my mum used to write cards with wishes and she send it of to all our family and friends. When i grow up she made me ,to do it instead :) So this year will be no different. I choose already few cards , and now I just have to pick which one send to who. I got few spare minutes ,after whole week of cleaning ( my husband family is coming to stay with us for a weekend ). My little princess is sleeping as well so lets write this Xmas cards. I never use any fancy wishes , most of the cards have them already written inside(thanks god :).Sometimes I just make a little note from me and basically that's it. I wanna keep up this little family tradition, it's not taking much time to actually do this and I'm sure your loved ones will appreciate it a lot.
    What about you guys do you have any family traditions ??? Did you send Christmas cards to your family and friends ?


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