Tuesday 2 December 2014


         I'm so glad that December is finally here .This is my favourite time of the year and this Christmas are even more special ,because this will be a first one for our little girl. You may think it's kind of silly to be excited and prepare everything for 9 months old baby which will not remember it at all. But to be honest i don't care I just want to see the look on her face when for a first time she will see sparkly Xmas tree and she will try to open all the presents ("open" read - make a mess everywhere with wrapping paper :) I know it will be all worth it  in the end. 
         I was hoping as well that my Family from back home will get a chance to celebrate it with us ,but unfortunately it will be only us and couple of our friends. Anyway I hope that I will be able to post a bit more in this month , I have a few ideas for the future posts as well. Fingers crossed that somehow I will find the time to actually do it .
         How you will be celebrating Christmas  this year ? Do you have anything special planned ?? I'm waiting for you'r answers and ......  
                                                HAPPY DECEMBER EVERYONE                                        

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