Thursday 29 January 2015

" Summer Breeze " :) - Soap&Glory Super Tonic !

    Weather seems much milder in UK this year- only in some parts of England it surprise us with a "touch" of snow. In London unfortunately instead of snow we have a huge amount of rain.,and this kind of weather make me miss summer more then ever.
    To battle my January blues ,I got myself  one of the Soap&Glory fragrances from their Series - Orangeasm , which remind me of summer so much. I used before Shower Gel from the same line , and I knew that I cant go wrong with it. This Super Tonic is filled with so many refreshing and energising  goodies : fresh green mandarin , mint, Sicilian lemon and orange peel oils.I'm all about this "perfume "wright now and if you like fresh fruity scents you will instantly fell in love with it. I wore it couple of times already and I got so much complements from my friends and family. Funny thing is that non of them believed that it was fragrance from Soap&Glory :) I forgot to mention that the scent lasts whole day on you, which is really important if it comes to perfumes.
   Packaging its self is simple and sleek - glass orange bottle with a logo of the company on the top side and the name of the fragrance on the bottom .This product is on the cheap side , for 100ml you pay only £12.00 -which is quit cheap compare to other perfumes.
    Let me know if any of you used this fragrance before and what is your opinion ?? !!!


Thursday 22 January 2015

O.P.I Muppets Most Wanted !

   I'm a huge fan of red nail polish ,but after whole month of using it i needed a change. I got for Christmas mini collection of nail lacquer from O.P.I . It's their limited edition for a Muppet's movie Most Wanted which realised last year. So i decided to give it a try, as i never use nail polishes from this company before. This set includes four mini colours (3.75 ml) in very cute box with main characters of the movie.Nail polish names are awesome as well :

 *  Miss Piggy's Big Number - pretty metallic navy blue.
 *  I Love Applause -  sweet pastel pink.
 *  Kermit Me To Speak - beautiful purple- gold colour.
 * Chillin' Like A Villain - peachy nude colour.

Straight away I painted my nails in this pretty pastel pink colour. To achieve desired effect a had to put three coats on ,but I did it couple of days ago and I swear this colour its not chipping at all .My nails look like i just painted them.  
           What are your opinions about O.P.I nail lacquers ?? Which colours are your favourite ones ???

Saturday 17 January 2015

New Year , New Me !

 I promise myself as soon as new year arrives , that this year I will change - starting from new hairstyle to eating healthy food and getting fit. But lets be honest here, I finish on this promises and there is no change whatsoever as the year goes by. I set my goals for 2015, but so far I didn't do nothing about it. So i decided to share my new years resolutions with you guys ,even tho we have already a middle of January. I hope that you will help me to stay motivated so please share with me your New Years resolutions and advices how you staying motivated.!!!! ????? !!!!
My New Year Resolutions :
 * GET FIT -as a full time mum i spend a lots of time at home. I used to work as a full time sales assistant in busy shop, where I did a lots of fiscals work which kept me fit. Now even tho my weight is not bad (65 kg ) , still I can't fit in to my old clothes. So i decided that now is a wright time to start working out at home. I already got some DVDs with exercise routines. Lets do this !!!!!
*START COOKING HEALTHY FOOD ON THE BUDGET (I'm spending way too much money on food and I tend to waste lots of it )
