Sunday 14 December 2014

Perfect Duo !

Probably most of you choose already gifts for all you family- including stocking fillers. But If you are still on the hunt I can tell you that lots of them you can find in Boots and they are priced really reasonably. You can find there not only a beauty gifts but home ware and kids toys as well . I was browsing in this shop recently in search of ideas and instead buying staff for others i bought myself early Christmas gift  ;)
   *Duo from Ted Baker - Nail polish and Lip gloss in a pretty "peach" red. Ted Baker is mainly know for his unique bags and wallets (as you probably already know :) ,he also makes really good beauty products. I'm impressed not only with a product itself ( nice pigmentation of the lip gloss and nail polish stays long on your nails and its not chipping so easily) , packaging looks great as well. It's shaped as little house which you can hang on your Christmas tree as ornament. My one unfortunately got damaged on the way home and i couldn't make a picture of it for you guys .Price :£8.00.

                                                  Have a wonderful Sunday everyone !

Friday 12 December 2014

Christmas Cards !

   When I was little every year at Christmas time my mum used to write cards with wishes and she send it of to all our family and friends. When i grow up she made me ,to do it instead :) So this year will be no different. I choose already few cards , and now I just have to pick which one send to who. I got few spare minutes ,after whole week of cleaning ( my husband family is coming to stay with us for a weekend ). My little princess is sleeping as well so lets write this Xmas cards. I never use any fancy wishes , most of the cards have them already written inside(thanks god :).Sometimes I just make a little note from me and basically that's it. I wanna keep up this little family tradition, it's not taking much time to actually do this and I'm sure your loved ones will appreciate it a lot.
    What about you guys do you have any family traditions ??? Did you send Christmas cards to your family and friends ?


Saturday 6 December 2014

Lazy Saturday !

 Today's day i spend at home in my cosy pj's with a Moomins print ( my favourite childhood cartoon :) and I put on new pair of wool socks from H&M which i bought recently. Perfect outfit :) I can tell you one fact about me - I just love good pair of cosy socks !!! . Anyway I planned last night that i will do some of main Christmas shopping but i change my mind . Do you wanna know why ?? I totally forgot that today it's Saturday and shopping mall will be filled with people looking for a gifts for upcoming Xmas. Instead of going then i spend most of the day playing with my baby girl and shopping online !! Fastest way too shop without crowds and queue. I mentioned in my previous post that it's hard to shop for you're friends it's even harder to shop for your husband . If any of you are married you will know what I'm talking about.  Every year history is repeating it self , i will ask him what do you wanna get  for Christmas and answer is always the same - Don't get me anything darling ! hmmm i think he don't even know what he wants :) Does any of you u have the same problem ?!!!!???
  What gifts you are getting for your husbands , partners , boyfriends ?? Maybe it will help me choose something for my men :)

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Tuesday 2 December 2014


         I'm so glad that December is finally here .This is my favourite time of the year and this Christmas are even more special ,because this will be a first one for our little girl. You may think it's kind of silly to be excited and prepare everything for 9 months old baby which will not remember it at all. But to be honest i don't care I just want to see the look on her face when for a first time she will see sparkly Xmas tree and she will try to open all the presents ("open" read - make a mess everywhere with wrapping paper :) I know it will be all worth it  in the end. 
         I was hoping as well that my Family from back home will get a chance to celebrate it with us ,but unfortunately it will be only us and couple of our friends. Anyway I hope that I will be able to post a bit more in this month , I have a few ideas for the future posts as well. Fingers crossed that somehow I will find the time to actually do it .
         How you will be celebrating Christmas  this year ? Do you have anything special planned ?? I'm waiting for you'r answers and ......  
                                                HAPPY DECEMBER EVERYONE                                        